by Webmarbles Preview Download Now
360° Product Viewer enables you to create a 360° product application with no Actionscript knowledge required! By inserting a number of images with views from different angles of the product the file automatically adjusts to create the interactive viewer.
Very easy implementation!
Rotation by mouse control, keyboard arrow keys and mousewheel!
Label angles (e.g. side views);
Small file size (excluding the images);
Grabhand cursor (optional);
Setting a zoom range;
Adding hotspots for product details;
Playback functionality.
Enable/disable the following properties:
Inertia of the object (give it a swing!);
Blur of the object while spinning;
The object’s reflection;
Blur of the object’s reflection;
The object spinning in when starting up the movie;
Draggable object (disable when only using playback);
Grabhand cursor.
Change properties:
The amount of images (more images provide a smooth rotation);
Speed of spinning;
Amount of inertia;
Mousewheel functionality (can be set to object rotation, zoom and no functionality).
A zoom range can be set between which the object can zoom by using a setZoom method. Detailed information is provided about how to enable zooming.
Playback functionality:
Use three different methods: one step forward, one step back and setPlayback to a certain position. Detailed information is provided about how to use playback.
Adding hotspots:
Adding hotspots (like the one in the preview) in order to see a product detail is very easy to do. Detailed information is provided about how to set hotspots.
* Update (17th of March 2009): added an extra hotspot to the preview for users to have a live preview of how it works, added two more playback buttons, fixed the bug of the grabhand becoming blurry!
* Some new updates (26th of January 2009): added a decent preloader to the file and also added 2 pages of new user information to the user manual!
* Some major updates are added in bold (16th of January 2009)! The object now supports zoom, playback, hotspots and a fancy grabhand cursor! Check out the exact features and updates below!
Flash 8 (8+)
Flash CS3 (9+)
Flash CS4 (10+)
Source file containing the preview as shown;
Source file containing the preview in a default setting;
SWF preview files;
PDF containing a detailed description on how to use the object;
PDF containing Frequently Asked Questions.
Flash Product Viewer, 360-product viewer, 360, product viewer, flash 3d product, flash 3d product viewer, zoom, flash zooming, falsh 360 viewer, digital zooming, flash 3d, 3d product display,3d panorama, panorama
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